Tehilim B'Kavanah
Recite a chapter of Tehilim with full understanding of each and every word, in merit of the victims of the cause.
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About this Zechus
Recite a chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause. However in order for it to be eligible for this Tikkun you have to make sure that you understand at least the simple meaning of each word in this chapter when you recite it. You may use a translation or simple inline or side by side commentary of the words. While reciting it you have to make sure that you comprehend the meaning of each and every word. While Tehilim is a powerful TIkkun even without understanding the meaning of the words, it is for sure a much more powerful Tikkun if you do understand the meaning of the words.
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- Take a chapter of Tehilim that you already know the simple meaning of each and every word in it. Or take a Tehilim with a translation or simple inline or side by side commentary of the words and slowly read each word comprehending the meaning of each and every word.
- If you are reciting multiple chapters try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victims of this cause.
It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple chapters for multiple victims of this cause. - According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.
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