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Recite 18 different chapters of Tehilim for each victim of this cause.
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- Take a book of Tehilim, have in mind that you are going to recite 18 chapter in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite them.
- If you are reciting multiple units of 18 chapters of Tehilim at once, try to take break in between each set of 18 and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victim of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple sets of 18 chapters for multiple victims of this cause.
- Each chapter of the 18 chapters needs to be a different chapter and you can not recite the same chapter 18 times in a row.
- Preferably you should recite 18 different chapters for each set of 18 you are doing, instead of just reciting the same exact 18 chapters each time you are doing a set of 18. However if you do choose to recite the same exact 18 chapters for each set, it is fine and effective. Best idea is to recite the chapters of Tehilim in consecutive order and to count each 18 as a Tikkun.
- According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.
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