Chaim Nisson Weisberg was born in 1900. His father was a Rizhiner chossid, Reb Yitzchok Isaac and Rochel. He was the youngest of 14 children. He first went from Russia to E"Y and then when he got malaria, his siblings who had already immigrated to the USA told him to join them there, which he did.
He always had a tremendous ahavas Eretz Yisrael which he passed on to his children. That is a major factor why he was zocheh that many of his descendants live in E"Y today. He was very makpid in shemiras halashon and was a very gentle person. He was buried in the States and later reburied in E"Y on Har Hazeisim next to his wife after her petira, in the chelka Anshi AMerica Agudos Achim.
Go Simcha go :)
Learning a few Mishnayos and saying some Tehilim is not such a great source of Kavod that there is an issue of keeping it hidden. On the other hand such a page would motivate some people to do things Liloy Nishmas when otherwise they would have done nothing or close to nothing. Also no has to use their real name. If someone truly wanted to hide his actions he can make up any username he wishes and not announce who he is.
My tikkun is suggesting that it’s a greater zechus for his neshama to NOT publicize ones good deeds.