Tzfat Tarpat 1929 Arab Riots18


In August 1929 members of Safed’s Arab population crossed over the market area into the Jewish Quarter of Safed. There they massacred 18 Jewish residents, injured 80 and ransacked, pillaged, looted and burned much of the Jewish Quarter.

cause Stats

Zechusim Done 118
Zechusim Strength 327
Zechusim Types 11
Participants 5

Mikva Immersion

Immerse in any kosher Mikva 3 times for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available18

9 Done - 9 Remaining
30% Complete


Apply Zechus

Immerse in any kosher Mikva 3 times for each victim of this cause. On the first dip have in mind that you are removing impurity. On the second dip have in mind that you are bringing down holiness and on the 3rd dip have in mind that you are elevating the soul. Any kosher Mikva can be used for this Tikkun but no Bidieved solutions like swimming pools.

  1. Go inside the Mikva, have in mind that you are going to going to do a set of 3 immersions in merit of a victim of this cause.
  2. Do the 1st immersion and have in mind that you are removing impurity from yourself and from the soul you are doing the Tikkun for if it is needed.
  3. Do the 2nd immersion and have in mind that you are drawing holiness upon yourself and to the soul you are doing the Tikkun for if it is needed.
  4. Do the 3rd immersion and have in mind that you are doing it for the elevation of the soul that you are doing the Tikkun for.
  5. If you are planing on doing multiple sets of immersions try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are immersing in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be immersing multiple times for multiple victims of this cause.

Shul on Shabbos

For women to attend Shul on Shabbos

Max Times Available18

1 Done - 17 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

  • Total Zechusim Done 1

Chapter of Tehilim

Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

  1. Take a book of Tehilim have in mind that you are going to recite a chapter in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite it.
  2. If you are reciting multiple chapters try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victims of this cause.
    It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple chapters for multiple victims of this cause.
  3. According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.
  4. Also Tehilim should not be recited from memory unless they are common chapters known by all.
  • Total Zechusim Done 18

Ten Chapters of Tehilim

Recite 10 chapters of Tehilim for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available18

0 Done - 18 Remaining
30% Complete


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Recite 10 different chapters of Tehilim for each victim of this cause. When Rebbe Nachman of Breslov first started revealing the TIkkun Haklali he did not yet reveal which were the 10 exact chapters. He just said that any 10 chapters of the Tehilim, whichever they may be are a wondrous rectification since they line up with the 10 types of song of which the Tehilim is composed of and each and ever chapter contains elements of the 10 types of songs. 

  1. Take a book of Tehilim, have in mind that you are going to recite 10 chapter in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite them.
  2. If you are reciting multiple units of 10 chapters of Tehilim at once, try to take break in between each set of 10 and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victim of this cause.
    It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple sets of 10 chapters for multiple victims of this cause.
  3. Each chapter of the 10 chapters needs to be a different chapter and you can not recite the same chapter 10 times in a row.
  4. Preferably you should recite 10 different chapters for each set of 10 you are doing, instead of just reciting the same exact 10 chapters each time you are doing a set of 10. However if you do choose to recite the same exact 10 chapters for each set, it is fine and effective. Best idea is to recite the chapters of Tehilim in consecutive order and to count each 10 as a Tikkun.

No record found

5th of Tehilim

Recite one of the 5 books of Tehilim each Niftar of this cause.

Max Times Available18

0 Done - 18 Remaining
30% Complete


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The Tehilim is broken up into 5 'books'. Recite one of the 5 books of Tehilim each Niftar of this cause. Each book is around 30 chapters long.

  1. Take a Tehilim, have in mind that you are going to recite one of the 5 books of Tehilim in merit of the Niftarim of your selected cause and then recite it.
  2. If you are reciting multiple books of Tehilim at once, try to take break in between book of Tehilim and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victim of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple books of Tehilim for multiple victims of this cause.
  3. It is great if you can recite the entire selected book of Tehlim in one shot without any breaks but you do not have to. It is fine to break it up over time into multiple sessions.
  4. Preferably you should recite different books of Tehilim if you are doing this Tikkun multiple times, instead of just reciting the same Book each time you are doing this Tikkun. However if you do choose to recite the same Book each time you do this Tikkun, it is fine and effective. Best idea is to recite the chapters of Tehilim in consecutive order and to count each Book as a Tikkun.
  5. According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.

No record found

Stories of Tzadikim

Say, listen or read a story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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Say, listen or read a single story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

  1. Have in mind that you are doing this Story of a Tzadik in merit of the victims of this cause. Then say, read or listed to the story of the Tzadik
  2. If you are saying the story, you must be reciting it to at least one other person
  3. You can listen to another person reciting a story or you can listen to a recording
  4. If you are doing multiple Stories of Tzadikim try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are saying, reading or hearing it in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be saying, reading or hearing multiple Storeis of Tzadikim for multiple victims of this cause.
  • Total Zechusim Done 5
  • Total Zechusim Done 5
  • Total Zechusim Done 5
  • Total Zechusim Done 3

Mayan Mikva

Coming soon 

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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Coming soon 

Coming soon 

  • Total Zechusim Done 10
  • Total Zechusim Done 8

Arizal Mikva

Dip in the refreshing waters of the Arizal's Holy Mikva in the mountains of Tsfat. 

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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Dip in the refreshing waters of the Arizal's Holy Mikva in the mountains of Tsfat. 

Coming soon 

Aleph Beis

Recite the Aleph Beis in either regular or Rashi letters, or pronounce them with one of the Nekudos, in merit of the Niftarim of this Cause.

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H Soon

B"H Soon

  • Total Zechusim Done 18

Ocean Mikva

Immerse in an ocean or lake once in merit of the Niftarim of this cause.

Max Times Available18

0 Done - 18 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon.

B"H soon.

No record found

Cold Mikva

Immerse once in a cold Mikva for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available18

18 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


Apply Zechus

Immerse once in a cold Mikva for each victim of this cause having in mind that you are doing it for the elevation of his soul. You can do this in any kosher Mikva as long as it is cold. However no Bidieved solutions like swimming pools.

  1. Go inside the cold Mikva, have in mind that you are going to going to do a an immersion in this Mikva in merit of a victim of this cause.
  2. Do the the immersion and have in mind you are doing it for the elevation of the soul that you are doing the Tikkun for.
  3. If you are planing on doing multiple immersions try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are immersing in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be immersing multiple times for multiple victims of this cause.
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Jews and Arabs in Tzfat

According to the Crusader writings, both Jewish and Arab communities existed in Tzfat when the Crusaders built their fortress on Tzfat’s Citadel in the 13th century. Throughout the following centuries, relations between the two communities saw periods of peace broken by periodic Arab uprisings and riots. During the early part of the 20th century the two communities co-existed side by side, conducting commerce together and sending community representatives to serve together to deal with bureaucratic affairs pertaining to the ruling British.

Arab-Jewish Relations in the 1920s

Years of Arab agitation against the immigration of Jews into the Land of Israel and attempts to prevent Jews from praying at Jewish Holy sites in Jerusalem resulted in a Jewish demonstration in August 1929 in Jerusalem. During the demonstration Jewish activists marched and asserted the right of Jews to pray at the Western Wall. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, told his followers that the Jews were preparing to take over the Al Aksa Mosque. His words spread throughout the country and Arabs rioted, killing Jews in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Hebron, Jaffa and other settlements and towns.

Tzfat Arabs

The Arabs in Tzfat maintained two separate communities, the Christian Arab community and the Muslim Arab community. During the 1920s the Muslim Arabs were influenced by anti-Jewish sentiments emanating from Jerusalem. When the Mufti of Jerusalem urged his followers to attack Jews, the Arabs of Safed heeded his call.

Safed Arab Pogroms

On August 23rd 1929 riots began in Jerusalem, Hebron, Haifa, Jaffa and in other areas of the Land of Israel, then called “Palestine.” The Jewish leadership warned the British that Safed Jews would present a visible target but the British took no notice. On August 29th the iman of the central Safed mosque issued a scathing sermon against the Jews and urged his followers to take action. The Arab worshippers streamed out of the mosque, crossed the central market square that separated the Arab and Jewish Quarters and began to methodically kill Jewish residents of the Quarter.

The Victims

Over the course of three days the Arabs of Safed, together with Arabs in nearby Arab towns, burned, pillaged, and murdered Tzfat Jews. Eighteen Jews were killed and approximately 40 were wounded. Two hundred homes were looted and burned. The main damage occurred in the western part of the Old Jewish Quarter, the traditional Sephardic Quarter of Tzfat.

The British

British soldiers and administration officials allowed the rioting to continue for three days. They did not interfere and made no effort to enter the Jewish Quarter to put an end to the pogrom. Some Jewish residents took refuge in the Saraya (today, the Wolfson) building where the British maintained their administrative headquarters. The British did not actively defend the Jews who were huddled in the Saraya courtyard. Arabs easily climbed up the Saraya walls and shot into the crowd of Jews in the courtyard below.


Following the riots the British decided to separate the Jews and the Arabs by creating a no-man’s land in-between the quarters. They built a staircase that descended from the main street, Jerusalem street, cutting the no-man’s land in half. British sentries guarded the stairs from a look-out post at the top of the stairs. Even so, over the course of the next 19 years, periodic Arab marauders managed to cross over the stairs and murder Jews in the Jewish quarter. In 1936 Arab intruders slaughtered the entire Ungar family while they ate dinner.

Many Jews left Safed but other Jewish residents actively prepared for further attacks. The British policy was to prevent the Jews from possessing weapons, even for purposes of self-defense. The Jews of Tzfat began to prepare “slicks” -- underground hiding places for weapons -- among the old homes and ruins of Tzfat. The Irgun and the Haganah, two Jewish defense organizations, operated clandestinely in Safed, training the residents in the art of self-defense.

The next round of Arab riots occurred in Palestine in 1936 but the Jews of Safed were ready and successfully maintained relative calm in the city.

Top Members for This Cause

  • Zechusim 55
    Strength 197
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    Strength 33
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    Strength 15
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    Strength 3
  • Zechusim 55
    Strength 197
  • Zechusim 32
    Strength 79
  • Zechusim 23
    Strength 33
  • Zechusim 5
    Strength 15
  • Zechusim 3
    Strength 3

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