Tzfat 1660 Destruction1500


In 1660 Druze tribesmen attacked Tzfat distroying the city and killing many of its inhabitants. 

cause Stats

Zechusim Done 2399
Zechusim Strength 8087
Zechusim Types 10
Participants 10

Arizal Mikva

Dip in the refreshing waters of the Arizal's Holy Mikva in the mountains of Tsfat. 

Max Times Available1500

375 Done - 1125 Remaining
30% Complete


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Dip in the refreshing waters of the Arizal's Holy Mikva in the mountains of Tsfat. 

Coming soon 

Mayan Mikva

Coming soon 

Max Times Available1500

342 Done - 1158 Remaining
30% Complete


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Coming soon 

Coming soon 

  • Total Zechusim Done 308
  • Total Zechusim Done 32
  • Total Zechusim Done 2

Chapter of Tehilim

Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

Max Times Available1500

110 Done - 1390 Remaining
30% Complete


Apply Zechus

Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

  1. Take a book of Tehilim have in mind that you are going to recite a chapter in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite it.
  2. If you are reciting multiple chapters try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victims of this cause.
    It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple chapters for multiple victims of this cause.
  3. According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.
  4. Also Tehilim should not be recited from memory unless they are common chapters known by all.
  • Total Zechusim Done 31
  • Total Zechusim Done 30
  • Total Zechusim Done 25
  • Total Zechusim Done 22
  • Total Zechusim Done 1
  • Total Zechusim Done 1

Stories of Tzadikim

Say, listen or read a story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

Max Times Available1500

49 Done - 1451 Remaining
30% Complete


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Say, listen or read a single story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

  1. Have in mind that you are doing this Story of a Tzadik in merit of the victims of this cause. Then say, read or listed to the story of the Tzadik
  2. If you are saying the story, you must be reciting it to at least one other person
  3. You can listen to another person reciting a story or you can listen to a recording
  4. If you are doing multiple Stories of Tzadikim try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are saying, reading or hearing it in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be saying, reading or hearing multiple Storeis of Tzadikim for multiple victims of this cause.
  • Total Zechusim Done 17
  • Total Zechusim Done 15
  • Total Zechusim Done 13
  • Total Zechusim Done 4

Kever of Tzadik

Do any relevant Tikkun listed on site at the Kever of a Tzadik and before each TIkkun say a short prayer that in merit of the Tzadik, Hashem should give an Aliyas Nisham to a victi...

Max Times Available1500

10 Done - 1490 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

  • Total Zechusim Done 10

Mishnah Baal Peh

Memorize a Mishna by heart and have someone test you on it.  

Max Times Available1500

5 Done - 1495 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

  • Total Zechusim Done 5


Say one of the 3 daily prayers, or part of it if above your ability, in merit of the Niftarim of this Cause.

Max Times Available1500

5 Done - 1495 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

Be Forgiving

Forgive someone who did something wrong to you, in merit of the Niftarim of this Cause.

Max Times Available1500

2 Done - 1498 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H Soon

B"H Soon

Teach Torah

Teach Torah to at least one other person for at least 30 min in merit of a Niftar of this Cause.

Max Times Available1500

1 Done - 1499 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

Cold Mikva

Immerse once in a cold Mikva for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available1500

1500 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


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Immerse once in a cold Mikva for each victim of this cause having in mind that you are doing it for the elevation of his soul. You can do this in any kosher Mikva as long as it is cold. However no Bidieved solutions like swimming pools.

  1. Go inside the cold Mikva, have in mind that you are going to going to do a an immersion in this Mikva in merit of a victim of this cause.
  2. Do the the immersion and have in mind you are doing it for the elevation of the soul that you are doing the Tikkun for.
  3. If you are planing on doing multiple immersions try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are immersing in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be immersing multiple times for multiple victims of this cause.
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The 1660 destruction of Safed by Druze tribesmen was a major step in the chain of events that led to its decline after the spiritual and economic successes of its Golden Age. During the weakened reign of Mehmed IV, Druze tribesmen came from the mountains of Lebanon and raided Safed and Tiberias almost completely destroying the city, forcing its Jewish inhabitants to flee to nearby villages and many were unfortunalty killed.

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