Miskolc 1946 Pogrom2


The Miskolc pogrom led to death of 2 Jews in Hungary, July 30 and August 1, 1946 through anti-Semitism motivated riots.

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The Miskolc pogrom led to death of 2 Jews in Hungary, July 30 and August 1, 1946 through anti-Semitism motivated riots.

Blood libel rumors had led to violence in Kunmadaras and Teplicany, and were present in Miskolc before the riot. Mátyás Rákosi had given a speech in Miskolc some days before the riot attacking "speculators" and suggesting death for them. Reports (likely from the police) circulated of the arrest of three black marketeers, two of them Jewish. The prisoners were to be moved to an internment camp on the morning of the 31st. A mob awaited them, displaying signs with slogans like "Death to the Jews" and "Death to the Black Marketeers." The mob attacked. One man was murdered, another beaten severely, and a third (not Jewish) escaped. That afternoon, police appeared in force and arrested sixteen people for the lynching. The crowd attacked the police, occupied the police station, and murdered a Jewish policeman. Lieutenant General László Piros participated in the riots.

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