Atar Family Collision8


A driver who appeared to be distracted by his cellphone caused a horrific fiery crash in Israel on Tuesday morning that left the Atar family of 8 R”L dead in the vehicle he struck.

cause Stats

Zechusim Done 22
Zechusim Strength 65
Zechusim Types 8
Participants 7

Max Times Available8

5 Done - 3 Remaining
30% Complete


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Chapter of Tehilim

Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

Max Times Available8

3 Done - 5 Remaining
30% Complete


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Recite a single chapter of Tehilim in merit of the victims of the cause.

  1. Take a book of Tehilim have in mind that you are going to recite a chapter in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite it.
  2. If you are reciting multiple chapters try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are reciting it in merit of a different victims of this cause.
    It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be reciting multiple chapters for multiple victims of this cause.
  3. According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.
  4. Also Tehilim should not be recited from memory unless they are common chapters known by all.

Learn a Halacha

Study or review one Halacha from Shulchan Aruch or any other Halacha Sefer.

Max Times Available8

3 Done - 5 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

B"H soon

Max Times Available8

2 Done - 6 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

Photo by  Daniel575 from

B"H soon

Attending a Shiur

Actually physically attending and listening to a Shiur.

Max Times Available8

1 Done - 7 Remaining
30% Complete


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B"H soon

Image from  by RoyLindman

B"H soon

Entire Tehilim

Recite the entire Book of Tehilim for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available8

0 Done - 8 Remaining
30% Complete


Apply Zechus

Recite the entire Book of Tehilim from start to finish for each victim of this cause.

  1. Take a Tehilim, have in mind that you are going to recite the entire Book of Tehilim in merit of the victims of your selected cause and then recite it starting from chapter one until chapter 150.
  2. It is great if you can recite the entire Book of Tehlim in one shot without any breaks but you do not have to. It is fine to break it up over time into multiple sessions.
  3. According to the Kabblah you are not supposed to recite Tehillim from Shekiah until Chatzot so this Tikkun should not be done during these night hours.

No record found

Stories of Tzadikim

Say, listen or read a story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

Max Times Available8

8 Done - 0 Remaining
30% Complete


Apply Zechus

Say, listen or read a single story about a Tzadik in merit of the victims on this cause.

  1. Have in mind that you are doing this Story of a Tzadik in merit of the victims of this cause. Then say, read or listed to the story of the Tzadik
  2. If you are saying the story, you must be reciting it to at least one other person
  3. You can listen to another person reciting a story or you can listen to a recording
  4. If you are doing multiple Stories of Tzadikim try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are saying, reading or hearing it in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be saying, reading or hearing multiple Storeis of Tzadikim for multiple victims of this cause.
  • Total Zechusim Done 3
  • Total Zechusim Done 3
  • Total Zechusim Done 2

Mikva Immersion

Immerse in any kosher Mikva 3 times for each victim of this cause.

Max Times Available8

0 Done - 8 Remaining
30% Complete


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Immerse in any kosher Mikva 3 times for each victim of this cause. On the first dip have in mind that you are removing impurity. On the second dip have in mind that you are bringing down holiness and on the 3rd dip have in mind that you are elevating the soul. Any kosher Mikva can be used for this Tikkun but no Bidieved solutions like swimming pools.

  1. Go inside the Mikva, have in mind that you are going to going to do a set of 3 immersions in merit of a victim of this cause.
  2. Do the 1st immersion and have in mind that you are removing impurity from yourself and from the soul you are doing the Tikkun for if it is needed.
  3. Do the 2nd immersion and have in mind that you are drawing holiness upon yourself and to the soul you are doing the Tikkun for if it is needed.
  4. Do the 3rd immersion and have in mind that you are doing it for the elevation of the soul that you are doing the Tikkun for.
  5. If you are planing on doing multiple sets of immersions try to take break in between each one and have in mind that you are immersing in merit of a different victims of this cause. It is also fine to upfront have in mind that you will be immersing multiple times for multiple victims of this cause.

No record found

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According to Magen David Adom, two vehicles collided head-on on Route 90 in the Dead Sea area, with one bursting into flames.

Paramedics and EMTs responded, finding the left parents and their 6 children trapped in the burning vehicle.


Photo Credit: Zaka

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